If you have any questions about JET then please don't hesitate to use our Online enquiry form.

A Small Business platform will consist from one port up to sixteen ports. Within the small business market JET Communications are able to provide you with the choice of the following manufacturers…

  • Avaya
  • Ericsson
  • Samsung
  • Splicecom

When looking for a telephone system in the small business/residential market it is essential that you are aware of whether the system will grow, be feature rich and cost effective, this is why JET Communications have partnered up with the above world leaders to provide you with all of the above and much more.

JET provides small businesses with the following services:

Voice Data Convergence

Voice Recording
Call Logging

We have been known to replace critical telephone systems within 24 hours of callout....More
Jersey - telephone: 01534 634734   fax: 01534 875589
Guernsey - telephone: 01481 242345   fax: 01481 242142